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Already digging it, Perth Australia

Writer's picture: Carmen Carmen

The Debate-West VS Eastern Australia

Sometimes finding economical flights means taking the long route to get there--and this time we did. It was well over two thousand dollars in savings but it included a flight from South Africa to the Middle East. Qatar (Doha International Airport) is the largest airport in the world and has become the go-to connection between Europe, Asia, and the South Pacific. Time travel really, nearly 24 hours later and we made it to the continent of Australia. We rented 3 nights at a darling family-run hotel in the Perth outskirts and did nothing but sleep in soft sheets, swim in the pool, use the hot running water, flush the indoor toilet, and filled the refrigerator with fresh veggies and fruit......oh and ice water we had lots of ice water. Yes, we were happy to be out of Africa and have modern amenities.

Finding Family in Bunbury

We had the super fortunate experience to spend the week with Patsy, my cousin Jess's Mother-in-law. Jess met Aussie Pete while traveling in New Zealand, and the rest is history.

Quite frankly, we were pretty wiped out after our Africa adventure and weren't sure how much more exploring we had in us. We had a rental agreement for a camper van for 2 weeks to do it up on the west coast with the Aussie locals, but we were over the idea of being off the grid. Pete connected us with his Mum, who so graciously insisted on picking us up and allowing us to hang with her. It was a week of hospitality and companionship as we explored the western outback in the COMFORTS of first-world living--YES! Patsy is a total kick, which given what we know about Pete should have been a pretty good clue.

Patsy took us on a road trip to the Wellington National Park to see the world's largest dam mural (ha, damn mural) by artist Guido Van Helton. So interesting we just saw this Aussies work on a grain elevator in Faulkton, SD this past summer. The entire park smelled of eucalyptus and was a most beautiful drive in the outback. Yes, silly Americans thinking the outback was only desert. We didn't expect to see so many outstanding forests. Totally new meaning for kookaburra sitting on an old gum tree.

Gnomesville---Seriously, Patsy knows the best spots!

Ok, kinda creepy, and very strange. In the 1990's someone placed a single gnome in a hollow tree, since then locals and tourists have continued the tradition. We were not surprised to know it is one of the top 100 places on the must-see list in Australia. We were a bit unprepared and didn't bring a gnome to leave. (although I could have left Smitty with no one the wiser) There were thousands and thousands and thousands of them in the forest.

Road Trip- Aussie or better yet 'Bec' Style

Bec, Patsy's Daughter (Cousin Pete's Sister) was the ring leader on our south of Bunbury exploring day. We grabbed Lacy too, another SD Gypsy who happened to be staying in Bunbury as well. Patsy was wondering how Brett was going to feel as "The thorn among the roses' as she put it so Aussie-like. Little did she know Brett is pretty experienced and most comfortable being the thorn in most lady groups.

We headed to the Busselton Jetty, the longest in the Southern Hemisphere then to the Margaret River area to check out the shopping, several breweries, and some pretty awesome beaches. Bec is all about a good time, and we are thankful she shared the day with us. She is pretty badass, formally in the profession of 'waxing butt holes' as she put it, to now driving big manly trucks in the Iron Mines. We learned some pretty great slang and had a zillion laughs playing tourists. She thought our water camera was quite hilarious and out of date---so we made her take all kinds of photos with it.

Cowaramup, 42 Cow statues adorn the cute town in the middle of wine country. It looks like these Dakota Kids didn't leave the farm.

East or West--which is the best?

We have so much more to explore, but we do know this is like saying, "Do you like New York or California better?" They are two entirely different landscapes and infrastructures, and everyone will try and tell you which is better. The West is where the big mines are, it is hotter and drier, and sunny all year around. Fewer people, less infrastructure, and very far from a lot of things. Beware of SNAKES signs everywhere, and our largest spotting of kangaroos.

The east coast has tropical rainy seasons, more people, and city slickers. Sydney folks tend to think it is the center of everything. BOTH of them in our opinion have beautiful beaches, surfers galore, creepy crawly things around every corner, and helpful kind people. We have another month here, we will let you know what we conclude.

All beaches in Australia are picture perfect. We had no idea and didn't think ALL of the beaches would be so fantastic.

Always a local, South Dakota connection Brett and I also spent time with South Dakota natives, Lacey Beckett, and her boyfriend Jay while in WA. We were thrilled to be at their place on Super Bowl to celebrate our favorite family holiday. Thank you for getting up and watching the 7am Game with us on Monday morning. Lacy so kindly asked me prior if we want to have drinks during the game since it was 7am on Monday morning! What do you think Brett said? Jay is a kick-ass cook-from-scratch kind of guy and whipped up some pretty great holiday food. Lacey, having lived in hippy New Zealand, had some pretty first hadn't experience cooking veg, so I very much enjoyed all her treats.

It was a blast connecting with younger world discovery lovers, we learned so much from them. Lacy and Jay are adventurers and gypsies in their own right. It was thrilling to relate so closely to another couple going through some of the same challenges, excitement, and often pain that goes with being on the road. They have a great thing going, and certainly are doing this journey in a non-traditional relentless fashion that we are totally down with.

Jay and Lacy hooked us up with Kayaks so we headed to Rockingham where we explored Penguin and Seal Islands located in the Shoalwater Marine Park. Seal Island, (which should be called Sea Lion island,) because that is what lives there, lions happily lounging on the beach. The Australian sea lion is apparently the rarest seal species in the entire world. Lacy was lucky enough to have a really close encounter with one of them while we were snorkeling. Hey Bec--if only she had my water camera to capture that!

Jay and Lacy---thanks for spending time with us, you were great hosts!

Our hostess gave us the best perks, everything Australia. Thanks Patsy you rocked it. We so enjoyed pretty nice beaches all along the coast. We also had some sweet coffee along the way. One thing about Australia is everyone has expensive espresso machines in their homes, and you can count on a really good cup of coffee at any gas station or quite frankly, everywhere.

Yes, their gummies are not worms, but snakes. Everyone talks about all the shit that can kill you here. I have to say it did make us on guard, but nothing too frightening yet. Even the beach signs warned you of snakes in the west.

Awesome HUGE Spiders--apparently that will kill you if you run into the wrong kind. This one will not it the St. Andrew's Cross Spider I found in a lilac best photo yet, I think.

Western Australia-more like the Wild West. Kangaroos, like deer, but can kick your butt if you are not careful. We spotted a single Wallaby on a hike. It took us awhile to figure out the difference but he certainly was a Walla.

OK, we had to find out what the story was on these retro-looking vehicles. Patsy informed us that is a Ute. Short for Utility vehicle. One in 5 cars sold in Australia is a Ute. They are all over Australia. I think they look straight out of the 1990's.

Just to get the Record Straight

Yes, Men at Work is an Australian band, they DO come from a land down under and Yes, people do eat a lot of Vegemite. But...... they don't drink Foster's is NOT Australian for Beer, that is a total lie sold to Americans.

VEGEMITE is curious. Proudly made in Australia since 1933. Barley, Wheat, and Salt--totally vegetarian. I tried to think of it as Nutella, but that didn't work either. I guess you have to grow up with it.

Grocery stores are fully stocked with a lot of local Australian products. All food labeling has to indicate how many ingredients in the product are from Australia. They are very self-sustaining and the climate allows for some pretty awesome food.

The exchange rate is pretty nice, a $7 jar of Vegemite is about $4.60 USD.

We didn't take out any cash at an ATM (had enough of that shit experience in Africa--staying clear of ATMs for a while) We just tapped our phone, for purchases. tap, tap, tap, Oh, how we love the first world living.

Aussie exploration continues. Next Stop, the rural Southern Highlands-Moss Vale, in Eastern Australia, New South Wales. We would be honored to have you come along.



About Us

We are Brett and Carmen. Two gypsies traveling the globe on a most adventurous, unconventional route. We are all about living with less, enjoying more and possibly breaking a few social rules. 


We want to help others find the answers they need to do the same. Getting out of designated social norms to create a relentless life filled with the now, independence, and curiosity. 


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